At the airport, you decide to pick up a magazine to help pass the time. As you flip to the cover story with Jillian Michaels you see a headline about the latest superfood that you MUST TRY NOW!

On the plane you can’t help but overhear two women discussing the lasted detox plan they’ve decided to follow when they get home. Wait…did they say tea-tox?

Finally you make it to your destination for a much needed recharge. You kick your shoes off, sink into the bed and review all the services the resort has to offer.

Shearing session?

Booty Barre?

Funk Fusion Bolly Boxing?

What is all this fuss? All you want is a massage to knead out the hard earned knots in your back and calves. You want to hike, swim and meditate…not beat on your already tired body. You have to call the desk to find the basics your body needs to reset. As you close your eyes for a quick recovery nap you wonder why everyone wants to make fitness so complicated?

You’re not alone. At IDEA World Fitness I was there to look at the trends and search out how to make the basics better. I wanted to sample new protein powders, check out the latest in functional fitness gear and perhaps pick up a new pair of gym shoes. I feel like I had a really hard time doing that this year.

I saw the best and the worst of the fitness industry at IDEA World Fitness 2016 and I am worried about how the fads are overwhelming the facts.

I have to get nostalgic for a moment. Remember Jack LaLanne? He was the first to get women working out in front of the television in their living rooms. He had workout RECORDS. He said you need to lift weights, keep it simple, eat your fruits and veggies and do it consistently.

That was the 1950s. Yet everything he preached pretty much holds true today.

His wife, Elaine, is still going strong.  She did push ups, at age 90, on the stage with Tony Horton. (This was part of the Opening Ceremonies which was certainly some of the BEST of the weekend.) She also had a booth at the Expo at Idea World Fitness…off in the back with no loud music, no special programs…and no lines or crowds. I hated that she was lost in the noise. Without her and her husband I believe we would not have the fitness industry we have today.

The basics are the basics for a reason. We keep doing squats and push ups because they work. You can do them with a TRX but you don’t have to. (You certainly don’t need a rotating shake weight-type gadget to do them either.) Eggs have always been good for you, despite what the government used to say, and before they were “paleo friendly”. Eating a more plant-based diet has been a growing trend since Diet For Small Planet was originally published in 1971. (However brands like Vega and Sweet Earth make it a whole lot easier!)

And, if you want to be a fitness professional don’t waste your money on some niche group certification. You can’t make a business based on something that will fall out of fashion when the NEXT BIG THING moves in around the corner. Get your Certified Personal Trainer, learn who you love working with and master that. Put in your 10,000 hours. (If you don’t know what that means email me.)

Too many people are bouncing from program to program and getting frustrated when they don’t get the results they want. They fall off the wagon a bit before giving the next 30-day program a go. The truth is it takes longer than 30 days to change your life. It takes slow and deliberate practice to create a happier and healthier life. For real results, you need to avoid shiny object syndrome and stay focused on the 4 Keys to Real Fitness. You need to take baby steps, find a path you can live with and be consistent. Stay focused and stay on YOUR journey, YOUR path.

I’ve talked too much about the worst. I don’t want to skip the best. I loved connecting with my fellow fitness bloggers and professionals. I caught up with old friends and made a couple of new ones. (Thanks to Debbie at for being a great table host as we talked blog design!)

I learned A LOT about pelvic floor health and posture evaluation/correction that I can’t wait to share with you. I found new To DIE FOR workout clothes and gym bags. I worked out with Jillian Michaels and I didn’t die.

But the thing I really want you to take away from my experience at IDEA World Fitness 2016 is fads aren’t where it’s at. Stick to the facts, focus on the basics and find your joy on your journey.




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