Fast and Tasty Recipes for 5 Minute Breakfasts
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photo by Babi Santander

Breakfast seems to be is the most challenging meal of the day. 9 times out of 10 when I review a new client’s food log she will not be eating breakfast. Everyone wants to sleep as long as possible. No one wants to spend extra time in the kitchen first thing in the morning. Coffee becomes the de facto substitute for solid food and by lunch time the grumbling in the tummy makes anything and everything look good. This leads to overindulgence at lunch and, perhaps, the rest of the day.

I get the time factor, I really do. My go to breakfast is a bowl of Kashi Go Lean, sans milk, which I can eat in the car on the way to the studio. Not being hungry, which I hear a lot, I don’t experience. My body is ready to eat the moment I get up. If you’re not hungry when you wake up it tells me one thing: your metabolism has slowed down and it’s my job to kick it back up.  Breakfast kick starts your fat burning each day.

In fact, when it comes to fat loss, breakfast really can be the most important meal of the day. Data from the National Weight Control Registry shows that eating breakfast every day is the habit of 78% of their successful “losers”.  The reason for this is twofold:

  • After fasting for the previous 10-12 hours you need fuel to get your metabolism moving again.
  • It keeps you from going into starvation mode and overeating later in the day.

Yet the obstacles to cooking a nutritious breakfast each morning probably aren’t going anywhere. You need  easy breakfasts that you can grab in 5 minutes or less.  If eating breakfast isn’t part of your morning routine, start today with one of these timesaving options.

  • 2 hardboiled eggs and a banana. Hard boil a dozen eggs on the weekend. They are an easy inexpensive source of protein. The banana easily fits in one hand and gives you carbs to boost morning energy.
  • Protein pancake and peanut butter sandwich. Make a batch of protein pancakes for breakfast on Saturday or Sunday (try my Vanilla Coconut Protein Pancakes) then warm up the leftovers with some peanut butter for a warm gooey breakfast.
  • Oatmeal with almonds and dried fruit. Boil water in the microwave. Then add to oatmeal in a travel coffee mug. Add nuts and fruit. Fits perfectly in a cup holder.
  • Steel Cut Oats with protein powder and milled flax. Steel cut oats are super easy with a no cook method. Soak 1/4 cup steel cut oats in 1/2 cup water in the refrigerator over night. In the morning warm up in the microwave for 30 seconds, add protein powder and milled flax seed. It can also go in your travel mug.
  • Breakfast wrap. Warm a whole wheat tortilla in the microwave, spread peanut butter, sprinkle chopped walnuts and add banana slices.  Wrap in wax paper to keep warm or for easy eating as you walk or ride to work.
  • Greek yogurt and granola. Grab a no fat plain Greek yogurt as you walk out the door and add a low sugar granola (which should be one of the easy healthy office snacks you keep in your desk drawer). Great while you check email.

Good food doesn’t have to be complicated. These easy breakfasts will make sure you have fuel to tackle whatever your morning brings. Add a big glass of water and a cup of green tea to start the day in a healthy happy way.

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