No, this year you will not be on the NEW YEAR, NEW YOU bandwagon.

2017 was a breakthrough year. Your before and after photos may not have changed as much as you would like but you know you are on the right path now. A photo can’t show the huge shift in your mental game.

You’re learning to live in your Middle Ground. You know you are enough just as you are. This is the year it will be NEW YEAR, NEW MINDSET. You’re ready to look in the mirror and say “Yes, I love my body”!

You’re done seeking perfection.

But…you also would love to see just a little more definition in your arms. Maybe fill out your jeans just a little differently. The world won’t end if it doesn’ happen…but why not ask for a little more? It’s okay to want a new look and show off a little on Flex Friday.

This is called healthy striving. I didn’t invent the term. I borrowed it from Brene Brown. For those of us who love a goal but are done chasing perfection it’s the right balance.

“Healthy striving is self-focused: “How can I improve?” Perfectionism is other-focused: “What will they think?”

Wanting to improve can be a worthy goal if done with love and kindness. This is about having some fun seeing what your body can do and loving it every step of the way.

That’s why in January I am doing my Triple T series. For the rest of this month, I’m going to help you build a plan to attack three areas that women often want to improve: tummy, tris and thighs (including some booty work!). It’s not spot reducing or a quick fix. It will take longer than 21 days. My goal is to offer knowledge and targeted strategies you can add to your current plan. Think the Triple T series as the advanced class. Use the tactics only once you’ve mastered the basics and want to do just a little more.

Triple T won’t just be about exercise either. We’ll talk about how to nourish your body to keep it healthy and strong along with X factors like sleep and hormones. For example, did you know hormone imbalances can present themselves in where your body chooses to store extra fat?

Speaking of hormones, you’re going to want to make sure you’re signed up for my email list. For email subscribers only I’ll be doing another monthly series in 2018 called Middle Management. Starting in February, I’ll be sharing insight and tips on how to make the most of your journey in midlife.

I’m only 42 but I know I’ve experienced some significant changes in the last two years. I’ve had more injuries, my sleep is way different and my need to MAKE A DIFFERENCE is thumping like a younger woman’s biological clock. I’ll be exploring, experimenting and asking the experts so we can be at our best during the time when the world thinks we should be packing it up.

Need a little nudge to keep you committed when the January motivation wanes? That’s where the Small Victories Health Coaching program comes in. I’m opening a new class of my 12-month online fitness program. The Small Victories program gives you daily habits practice, nutrition education, workouts that fit your goals and schedule as well as access to your personal health coach. You can learn more here and sign up for the pre-sale list for early access and a special price. (If you are on my email list you’ll get even earlier access, a special price AND a couple of special bonuses!)

If you’re on my email list you’ll also get the first chance to sign up for the special events I’ll be doing in 2018. On January 27, I’ll be doing a workshop at my studio in Springfield. My goal is to help you recharge after the busy holiday season and bring some light to the cold winter days. I call the event “Be Your Own Hero”. I’ll be sharing sessions from my Refill Your Cup retreat last fall (Resilience 101 and Escape the Cape) along with a couple of special surprises. To learn more and get your ticket click HERE.

Yes, I’ll be hustling all January long. Really all 2018 if you think about it! It will be work but the best things in life DO require effort. Healthy striving means you will work for your goals but with a realistic attitude and self-compassion. Healthy striving means learning when to say GOOD ENOUGH and love the moment you’re in. I can truly say, despite the craziness that January can be in my world, I am loving the moment I am.

How are you feeling about 2018? Where will you’re focus be? How can I be of help?

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