I love Jackie Warner.
I didn’t watch her Bravo shows, Thintervention and Workout, mainly because we don’t have Bravo anymore and I don’t have a lot of TV time. I love her workout DVDs. Power Circuit Training is my favorite weight based workout DVD of all time.
So I was kind of sad after I read her book, This Is Why You’re Fat
.Not that there is anything wrong with the book. I agree with a good portion of it. Refined sugar isn’t good for you and it needs to go. Alcohol makes you chubby. Keep a food journal. Have a treat, within reason, every so often. Hormones can make you crazy and affect your weight.
Maybe that was the problem. I didn’t find anything new. I felt like I had read this one before. Except instead of one cheat meal a week you get two.
Or maybe it was when she made the following statement:
Research and my own personal experience support the fact that the body needs some lean meat for optimal performance and weight loss.
What the heck, Jackie Warner?
This statement was made in a sidebar box without any references to research, only she “used to be vegan”. So maybe it didn’t work for her or maybe she didn’t go about it the right way. But with so many amazing vegetarian and vegan athletes (Robert Cheeke, Brendan Brazier, Martina Navratilova and Robert Parish to name a few) I don’t know how she could make a blanket statement like that. Of course, it is her book and she is entitled to her opinion. But I consider it just that, an opinion. And I highly disagree with it.
The workout section was better. I love the exercises. I love the circuit training program, even if I did find the layout of the routine a bit confusing.
This one probably won’t make my top 10 list any time soon but if you’re a fan you might enjoy learning more about her story and her take on sugar, hormones and exercise in general.
Anyone else read this one? Thoughts?