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I am a simple girl. I like basic exercises, nothing too fancy.  I like my exercise DVDs the same way.

Perhaps that is why I didn’t enjoy The Firm Bootcamp – Maximum Calorie Burn

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I realize this DVD is a few years old (release date 2007) but it was recommended to me by a great site called www.collagevideo.com.  They rate exercise DVDs and make it very easy for you to find the right workout. You can sort by fitness level, time, type of workout or type of equipment available.

I don’t get many free DVDs from the production companies so my selections are somewhat limited. This DVD fit the criteria I wanted (longer than 40 minutes and intense cardio) and was available via Netflix. I decided it was worth trying out.

About 10 minutes in, I remember why I used to steer clear of exercise DVDs.

While the instructor, Alison Davis-McLain, was knowledge she was a little, well, boring. She really lacked the personality needed to keep someone motivated and engaged in the workout. Maybe Jillian Michaels and Jackie Warner have spoiled me for all other trainers.

It also seemed needlessly complicated. It doesn’t take complicated choreography to get your heart rate up.  I don’t need endless grapevines, step touches and flaying hand movements.  I waste time and energy just trying to figure out the steps instead of really moving my body.  Just give it to me straight-jumping jacks, pushups, and front kicks are great.  Don’t confuse me by adding box steps and fist pumps.

I also don’t need weights. I wanted cardio. I do weights on other days. For me, moving my body and only my body is what I want on cardio days.

At the end I was sweating but frustrated. I felt like I could have gotten a better workout with less fluff.  Overall rating is a 3. Potentially effective but not something I can see someone sticking with.

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