Merry Christmas!!!
I hope you are having a joyous holiday season while keeping your fitness real and the stress low. Maybe you’ve even been keeping your workouts up by doing my 12 Days of Fitmas workout on Facebook?
What? You missed it? Never fear…I have it right here, just for you. You can work your way up, one exercise per day for 12 days. You can do the workout straight through. You can really go crazy and do it two or three times, circuit style. It’s YOUR workout, enjoy it however you wish. Think of it as my gift to you.
Today I am going to have an amazing day of laughter, love and gratitude. The only workout I’ll get today is chasing my nephew around the living room (which he can LITERALLY do for hours). You don’t have to do the 12 Days of Fitmas workout today; you CAN save it for tomorrow. Just don’t wait till Monday to “start over”.
Don’t wait for January 1.
The real secret to being healthy and fit is consistency. A day off is fine but tomorrow I’ll be back in the gym. Not as punishment for indulging but because that’s what I do on a Friday. Remember, guilt has no place in real fitness. Be with family and friends today and tomorrow sweat with a smile.
Thank you for an amazing 2014 and I can’t wait to see what YOU do 2015!