Happy Healthy Holidays: Healthy Party Foods
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image by Kenny Louie

December is here and the holiday season is officially in full swing. I have my first holiday party coming up this weekend. It’s pretty casual, an ornament exchange with an invitation to bring some food for snacking if I wish.

I’ll be the girl who brings the healthy snack. Even if for no other reason than to make sure I have something to eat.

I have long been the one to bring the veggie tray, fruit or a grain based salad to office food days and neighborhood block parties. In the beginning, I was often the only one who touched it. But now, as my cooking repertoire has expanded, I’ve been able to bring treats that are not only better for you but pretty tasty too. I dare say, some of them have been huge hits.

If you need some ideas for the next potluck that are healthier and will appeal to everyone’s taste buds, try one of these ideas.

  • Roasted Chickpeas: Crunchy and rich in fiber and protein, this easy to make snack and will satisfy everyone. Try the basic recipe from Vegetarian Times then add your own spices for zip, like a zesty Cajun blend.
  • Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Backpack Kisses: While they are meant to be an after school snack, this clean eating treat from Tosca Reno’s The Eat-Clean Diet Vegetarian Cookbook
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    are perfect to have with a plate of veggies, fruit and nuts.
  • Black Bean Quinoa Salad: This is an easy salad for any dinner or event where you are asked to bring a side. You’ll get your protein and healthy fat so you’ll stay satisfied longer and prevent creeping hunger.
  • Snack mixes: Forget the Chex mix. Instead try a mix with no sugar added dried fruit, nuts, seeds, edamame or cereal like puffed kamut.
  • Veggies with a Greek Yogurt dip: Everyone likes veggies as long as there is something to dip them in. Add spices to Greek yogurt instead of sour cream to boost protein and cut down on bad fat. Or try hummus with the broccoli and baby carrots.
  • Eggs, anyway you want to make them: Scrambled eggs won’t work, but there are plenty of other options to choose from. Try a vegetable based frittata for a Christmas tea or brunch. Clean up deviled eggs by tossing out half of the yokes and replacing them with cottage cheese.

What’s your go to clean eating potluck contribution?

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