When a person is contemplating a change in life, thinking of adopting a new behavior like exercise, they first need to build confidence in their ability to change. Before they ever take that first step they have to believe that the first step is possible. Often seeing someone like themselves who has gone before them and made the change can help them to see that it is truly possible.

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That’s what I love about Tosca Reno and her new book Your Best Body Now

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.  She has been there. She has lived the life of an unhealthy and unfit person.  Then she found the secret to a great body and great health-balanced exercise (cardio and weights) and clean eating. This book shares her story and her blueprint for being the best you that you can be.

Your Best Body Now is an all encompassing look at how to achieve health, fitness, beauty and, to some extent, piece of mind.  And she does it for everyone at any age. After all she didn’t start her journey until she was in her early 40s, proving it’s never too late to turn over a new leaf. Since she breaks down strategies based on where you are in life (your 30s, 40s or 50s) it also gives you a heads up on what to expect down the road and, in some cases, how to prevent it.

The book opens with Tosca’s own story, her own inspiring transformation, followed by chapters focused on targeting an element of a balanced healthy life: nutrition, exercise, health and beauty.  Following that are tools for inspiration and mental health,  tools for tracking your plan and goals and some tasty looking clean eating recipes.  A one stop shop to get you on the road to health and fitness at any age.

To me, the highlights of this book are the sections focused on inspiration, motivation and our mental health. For most, these are the missing ingredients. We know what to do, we just lack the motivation or commitment to do it. Tosca’s story proves it can be done. Her lessons on taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally, as well as strategies on how to overcome the roadblocks that prevent us from doing so, are spot on. Even I was gently reminded of a thing or two (like how important it is to make time for the things we really enjoy).

While I don’t know if all the things Tosca does or did to transform are right for everyone, I think she provides a wealth of great information. Would I suggest a beginner start with the same weight training protocol she did? Probably not. But it worked for her and it is technically sound. Would I recommend all the supplements she lists and takes? Maybe not. But that is why I respect her for repeatedly mentioning to confer with your doctor on the list presented to find the ones that are right for you.

I give this book a 7. While all the information listed might not work the same for everyone, there is a wealth of information that anyone at any age can learn from.  And we can all use a little inspiration now and again.

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