My husband is a calorie burning machine.

My Husband The Calorie Burning Machine
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image by IPBrian

Let’s run down the stats. He’s 5 feet 7.5 inches tall, weighs about 150 lbs and is 7.8% body fat.  Most days he eats 2700-3000 calories a. In my opinion, that’s a lot of food.

Not junk calories either. It’s easy to get that many calories in a day sucking down Cokes, cheeseburgers and fries.  Not my man. He eats the biggest bowl of oatmeal I have ever seen in the morning and a bowl of cottage cheese, toast (from his homemade bread

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) and cashew butter as a bed time snack. He eats all day in between.

And heaven help me when he decides to start “bulking”. I can’t keep up, cooking wise. I make what should be enough for leftovers for a few days but when he eats two servings at a time they are gone before I know it.

Is he blessed with a good metabolism? Maybe. Is he some sort of endurance athlete, training all the time? No. He sits at a desk job like most people.  He likes to take photos and watch podcasts and movies in his spare time.  I also keep him plenty busy with the web site and other various business tasks.

What he does do is workout out regularly in a focused and intense way. He has a plan. He cares about what he eats (like I said no steady diet of fast food). We are also active as a couple. We ride our bikes on Sunday mornings and take walks after dinner when we can. We share a common value in our health that I think helps keep our relationship and our bodies strong.

It really can be that simple. If you set a goal, eat quality food and make a commitment to regular exercise you can do tremendous things. If you have the right support and encouragement you can maintain a fit and healthy life.  And eat a good amount of food while doing it.

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