Do you remember the Seinfeld episode where George tried the “Serenity Now” technique to deal with his stress? That has to be one of my favorite episodes.  I’ve been known to shout those words out at moments of tension.  While it doesn’t really calm me, I laugh remembering the episode which does help ease the tension.

Words Have Power
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image by lanx1983

Or do you remember the show “Ally McBeal”? The character, John (the Biscuit), who would say “Poughkeepsie” every time he got flustered. It was a key word to help him break through a tough spot in thought and speech, to let him refocus.  Although why Poughkeepsie I have no idea.

Sometimes all we need is a word or phrase to refocus us. Something to bring us back to why we started this journey in the first place.  A mantra to repeat in the mirror each time we feel as though we are drifting off course or to help us through that last set squats or that last mile of a long run.

I think everyone should have a phrase that helps give them find strength to keep pushing on. Maybe it is just a few words that describe why you are on this journey to health and fitness, like “health, joy and strength”. Or maybe it is a phrase that reminds you of how strong you really are, like “I am confident and fearless and I can do anything”.

When I am stressed I might say “breath”. Simply saying the word reminds me to slow down and do just that.

Words Have Power
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When it feels like I can’t juggle one more thing, I look in the mirror and say “There is time”. I stop, refocus and find a way to make the important things happen.

Whatever you choose them to be, words do have power. Say them to yourself. Post them on your mirror. Write them over and over again on a piece of paper. See them in your mind as you hear them whispered by your inner voice.

Pick your power words today. Find a mantra to bring you back on course when you start to lose your way or doubt your ability to keep moving forward.

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